Monday, May 9, 2011

Blog Hop Winner of my RAK!

Ok, thank you all for leaving a comment and following my blog - I really do appreciate it so so much!! You all inspire me to keep scrapping!

Now, for the blog hop winner. I used again, and I copied and pasted the result...well, that was the best copy and paste I could figure out LOL

Here is the result... (I plopped in 1 for min and 37 for max, not sure why it didn't show up in my copy and paste)

True Random Number Generator Min: Max: Result: 15

So the winner is Ana (anazelia), and Ana is a follower, so Ana wins the MLS RAK. Congrats!! Thank you everyone for playing along and Ana for being a great friend. Please email your addy to and I'll have your RAK out ASAP.

Stick around everyone, I will have tutorials coming up, more pages and mini albums, and more giveaways!


  1. Congrats Ana! That is awesome!

    Ilene, it is a pleasure to meet you. 'So glad that I found your blog!!

  2. congrats Ana...have fun with the RAK!


I so appreciate you taking the time to comment! I love reading them!!