I can sum it up with this: upon checking out, when told of the total, I asked about their return policy. Ouch.
No, unfortunately I didn't run across and $4 paper pads, but it's probably just as well. I did get a couple paper pads that used to be $20 for $7, but I think I'm only keeping one. What they did have was a lot of Tim Holtz stuff on clearance. Pretty much all his stuff. So I loaded up. They also had ink pads and other "Useful" things. Now all I have to do, is figure out which stuff I can get rid of - at least half has to go.
I've been working on some LO's to submit, so unfortunately, I can't share them yet. It's so hard not to - I have them uploaded, and everything!
Today, I need to get DS's BD invites done. He'll be 1 March 5th. It's somewhat hard to believe that the time has already passed. I was looking at DD's baby pics yesterday, and it completely put me back in that moment. I remembered it like it was yesterday, and it was hard to believe that she's 5 already.
I'm also planning a baby shower for a friend, to take place at my house the weekend after DS' BD party. My friend and I were planning it together and all was well, until another friend that we don't know decided to volunteer to help. Now this friend is acting weird and not responding to emails. It puts me in an awkward position, since this person (whom I don't know) is a friend of my friend whom I'm throwing the shower for. So...I can't just tell her to get lost or step it up. How is it that all this drama gets stirred up with the smallest things?