Happy Labor Day!
I have a little journal I've been carrying around, but I've been using it as a sketchbook more than anything. I recently made a quick sketch (took a little over 20 minutes) and recorded the process. I sped it up 4 times, so now it's a 5 minute video. Take a look:
Here is the completed sketch (I messed with it a couple more minutes):
And while I was taking a pic, I figured I'd share a few more:
Hola Ilene: quiero expresarle que me encantan sus dibujos y me enseña mucho y estimula mi propia imaginación, pues, aunque mi pintura es muy "naiif" según mi esposo, veo reflejada en sus pinturas mi deseo de lograr esas muñecas tan lánguidas y hermosas. Mi felicitación por su arte.