Yep, it was that kind of day. We dropped the kids off at his parents' and had the whole day to ourselves. The only catch is that we had to stay in the area since it's too far to drive back home. (So no scrapping for me!) So we were out and about all day. We ate at our favorite Chinese Buffet. We shopped at an outlet mall. We spent a bunch of time at B&N hanging out and reading. I browsed guessed it! - scrapping books and magazines. However, I have to say my fav magazine was Cloth, Paper, Scissors. It's an altered art mag and the projects are so gorgeous and inspiring. I got a lot of ideas, and some might even work on scrappy pages, so we'll see what I come up with!
We also saw Legion. Hmm....take a pass on that one! I then left my phone at the theater (my beautiful bright purple phone). But all is well that ends well and we were reunited.
Speaking of movies - can't wait to see Alice in Wonderland. I think I'll take DD with me. The only issue is that it's coming out on my DS's birthday. And then we're having his party that weekend and the following weekend I'm throwing a baby shower for my friend. So the movie night with DD might have to be postponed (I don't know how I'll bear the wait!).
Speaking of DS's BD party...the prospect of having it here, at my house, and inviting all our friends and family gives me major anxiety. I'm just not a "let's-have-parties-and-invite-everyone-to-out-house" kind of gal. KWIM?
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