Sunday, February 28, 2010

Prima's Big Secret!

Prima has a big secret coming our way and I'm dying to find out what it is - all will be revealed Monday, March 1st!


I was going to post about this yesterday, but I ended up falling asleep with DS at 8 and never got back up LOL. But yesterday, I finished all 10 LO's I've been working on for a while now for the MM book - they allow up to 10 submissions per person and I really wanted to increase my chances of getting one of mine in there, so I made 10! And I submitted them yesterday, so I'm totally Done!

Snobby Walrus RAK Giveaway!

Snobby Walrus is having a giveaway. They're a new online store, so check it out!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

GCD Studios Frame It Challenge!

Here's my take on it - "My Heart Can Fit One More - This I learned in 2009". This photo was taken the day after DS was born, so it was March 6th, 2009. The title refers to me realizing that yes, you do love the 2nd one just as much :) TFL!

The pp is from the beautiful and very versatile Canta line. I used just one sheet - the circle die cut, and a little scrap of another behind the word "fit". I loved the little holes in the die cut and I threaded some MM Vintage ribbon through them, kind of like a baby's blanket. I also used liquid pearls to emphasize the circle - I wanted to make it like a frame around the LO, to reinforce the frame theme. I used the inside that I cut out for a mat for the photo. I painted the cardboard with crackle paint, and then piled on frames and flowers and pearls and crystals. If you want to see the pics bigger, just click on them, and TFL!

You can see even more close-ups in my GALLERY.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

My ZVA winnings

Remember I won a prize pack for the ZVA DT Blog Hop last month? It came in a few days ago! Half of it is gone already, LOL

Isn't it to die for? So gorgeous!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Fun news!!

I applied for and was accepted to be GDT for Everything Scrapp'n! It's a really awesome online scrapbook store. Make sure you check out their blog for current sales/discount codes, often they have some really great ones. I can't wait to make some cool layouts/projects for them!!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


I do believe that the cold I had has progressed into a sinus infection. I had a headache all day yesterday, and I have one today as well. I even took Excedrin this morning (I was weak, I gave in!), which did help for a little while, but it's definitely back. And I really don't want to take antibiotics, so I'll just suffer through it. It's such an icky feeling though, having all that gross snot filling my sinuses. I should get a little sinus rinse or something.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Great news!

Three more of my layouts got accepted for publication in Scrapbook News and Review for next month! Yay! That is one awesome mag and I'm so happy and proud to have my work shown in it :)

Budget Embellishments Tutorial

Do you like the "embellished" look? You know - lots of flowers, bling, and embellies piled on? It makes for awesome results but can be tough on your wallet. I created a little tutorial on how to achieve that look for less. Check it out HERE - I have it posted at Scrapbook Challenges. While you're there, sign up to be part of the group, if you haven't already. It's free and it's fun! There's lots of chat, a gorgeous member gallery, weekly sketches and inspiration from DT, a well as tutorials, several challenges each week, and....if you play along, you enter a drawing to win awesome prize packs from monthly sponsors. Hey, it costs nothing, so you've got nothing to lose :)

My DD, the budding Artista

We went to M's yesterday and they were having a little art and craft setup going on. DD got to make a frame - she was very excited! I thought I'd share :) (she's 5.5 y.o.)

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Dreaming Angel - Mini

I covered all the pages with GCD Studios pp - the backsides, then painted the edges with crackle paint. The outer, die-cut wings are completely covered in crackle paint. Then, decorated with soft, pretty things :) Feathers, mulberry paper, handmade paper, etc. You can see all the inner pages at 2Peas!

Camping Mini

A little mini I made about our camping trip from a few years back - yep, still catching up! You can see all the inside pics in my gallery at 2Peas.

Friday, February 12, 2010

These 3

Just wanted to share - using summery BG June Bug papers for a Valentine's theme :)

Thursday, February 11, 2010

I'll have to scrap these soon :)

DS a few days ago, being his boyish self and getting into what dirt he can find in the house. He was obsessed with that tree for a while, and would make a beeline for it from wherever he was. I was sweeping there around the clock for a while.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Snowed in, AGAIN!


So I ended up staying home. I made it through the day! (Obviously, since I'm here writing this :) I never ended up being able to fall back asleep. It took 2 hours for the headache to go away, and at that point the caffeine in the Excedrin kicked in. So I was up all night, after 2am.

DS is doing much better - the antibiotics have relieved the severe pain, I guess. Poor baby. I used to have ear infections when I was about 8 years old, so I remember well how painful it is.

DD is home today, and likely will be tomorrow. And good chance Friday too. So, looks like school is closed for the whole week! And Monday is a holiday. I swear, she's home more than at school.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Why am I posting at 4am?

It's 4 am and I'm up. DD had a little cold, and likely DS picked it up from her. Although, it could have been anywhere. His cold was not so little and has instigated an ear infection. Poor baby has been super cranky, not that I blame him. His cold has led to me now getting sick. So when he woke up a couple hours ago and then promptly fell back asleep, it was not so for me. My raging headache ensured that going back to sleep would be no easy matter. I took Excedrin which always does the trick. Yet, my head still hurts. Also, taking it on an empty stomach made me nauseous. So now I'm up, I ate some oatmeal...and I'm writing a list of things to pack if I can't take it tomorrow and go stay at my in-laws and my parents. Due to the snow situation, DD didn't have school Monday, it's canceled for Tues. And now, it'll snow again Tues, into Wed, likely canceling school for Wed, Thurs, and maybe Fri. I'm not sure I have it in me to take care of a somewhat clingy 5-year old, a super sick and fussy baby, and me (with my total lack of energy and nausea-inducing headaches, on top of snot and sinus pressure). I suppose if I had no choice, I could do it. But going to in-laws and parents is an option that I just might have to take. I already got a couple novels ready and am thinking of which scrappy project to take along. Fantasizing, actually :)

I suppose I'll update tomorrow on whether I actually went. I will only go as a last resort. However, considering that I'm getting no sleep tonight, it's a real possibility that that's what it'll come down to when I wake up tomorrow morning. I'm just hoping I manage a little more sleep tonight.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Daddy's Princess

This one is based on one of PageMaps sketches.

Knave of Hearts

This one is based on this week's sketch at Scrapbook Challenges - come join us!! I cute a big heart out by hand and used it as a mask. Misted with Candy Apple Red Glimmer Mist, and traced it with a dash line. I have another one similar to this, about DD, called Queen of Hearts. I'll post it in a week or so - right now I entered it in a contest and I can't share it yet.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Blog anniversary and milestone

Today is exactly 2 months since I started my blog (Dec 6th). And today I reached a milestone - 1000 Unique visitors! I have my counter set up to only log in each new person who visits (not how many times you do). 1000 people sounds like a lot of people! I sometimes wonder who you all are, where you come from LOL...leave a message sometimes!

Having a blog has been a lot of fun. I only wish I'd started it earlier!

Got Snow??

I woke up to that this's still snowing and will keep snowing. We might have to bite the bullet and hire someone to shovel us out!

Silly Monster

My take on Audrey's sketch challenge over at Scrapbook Kit Club Blog Hop and Crop. Check it out! Play along and you can win prizes!

Just a fun LO with fun paper and fun pics.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Oh, it's-a snowin'!

There's a bit of a blizzard outside. We're getting at least 12 inches dumped on us overnight. Why does this have to happen on a weekend?! Waah! My parents were supposed to come over tomorrow, and I would have gotten a little time to scrap. Now, not so much. And we won't even be able to go anywhere. Blah. Stuck inside all weekend. I guess I'll be shoveling tomorrow!

DS is 11 mos today.

My little big boy. He's 11 mos but he's wearing a lot of 18-24 mos clothing. He's very heavy and he loves to eat! Mailed out invites to his BD party today.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Michael's Shopping Extravaganza

I can sum it up with this: upon checking out, when told of the total, I asked about their return policy. Ouch.

No, unfortunately I didn't run across and $4 paper pads, but it's probably just as well. I did get a couple paper pads that used to be $20 for $7, but I think I'm only keeping one. What they did have was a lot of Tim Holtz stuff on clearance. Pretty much all his stuff. So I loaded up. They also had ink pads and other "Useful" things. Now all I have to do, is figure out which stuff I can get rid of - at least half has to go.

I've been working on some LO's to submit, so unfortunately, I can't share them yet. It's so hard not to - I have them uploaded, and everything!

Today, I need to get DS's BD invites done. He'll be 1 March 5th. It's somewhat hard to believe that the time has already passed. I was looking at DD's baby pics yesterday, and it completely put me back in that moment. I remembered it like it was yesterday, and it was hard to believe that she's 5 already.

I'm also planning a baby shower for a friend, to take place at my house the weekend after DS' BD party. My friend and I were planning it together and all was well, until another friend that we don't know decided to volunteer to help. Now this friend is acting weird and not responding to emails. It puts me in an awkward position, since this person (whom I don't know) is a friend of my friend whom I'm throwing the shower for. So...I can't just tell her to get lost or step it up. How is it that all this drama gets stirred up with the smallest things?

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Hellow Wednesday!

DD is home today, no school. I swear, they have off several times every month. If I was working full time, this would be a real problem.

So the plan is - go shopping! I've been hearing rumors of an awesome Michael's sale, and I need to check it out. Then, off to Target for some heavy-duty overnight diapers. DS tends to leak at least twice each night, and at this point I'm desperate.

I'll check back in with a Michael's update! :)

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

GCD Studios Giveaway

Take a look at their paper lines - gorgeous!!!!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Scraptacular presents: a week of CHA previews and giveaways!

Scraptacular is presenting all the wonderful new goodies that came out at CHA (that will likely show up in their store soon...fingers crossed!). Plus, Beth is having giveaways all week long, so stop by their BLOG for chances to win!

Scrapbook Kit Club Blog Hop!

It starts HERE. You get to hop to some blogs to see some amazing talent and there are tons of way to win great prizes, one of which is the Feb kit of the month! If you haven't checked out this kit club yet, you're in for a treat. They're full of the latest, funnest, cutest scrappy goodies. Take a look!